Our Blog

Embark on an eco-friendly journey with your furry friend! Discover the 11 most effective and surprisingly simple ways to shrink your dog's carbon footprint. It's all about tweaking a few daily routines - nothing too ruff! Are you ready to take up this exciting challenge? 


Is your furry friend developing a taste for their own feces? It's not uncommon, but it can be a pretty unpleasant sight. Luckily, there are some home remedies that can help stop this unsavory habit. So take a deep breath, grab a notebook, and get ready to learn how to stop dogs from eating poop. 

Are you wondering if you should flush dog poop? We give you the answer based on the opinions of the experts. Thus, you can make the best decision about dog waste management.


If you're tired of your dog leaving landmines on your lawn, but also don't want to burn your grass with its poop, then composting is the answer to all your problems. Yes, that's right, you can turn your furry friend's feces into a nutrient-rich fertilizer through composting!




Is going out to your backyard more like torture than a pleasant walk outside to breathe fresh air? So, you need to get rid of that annoying dog poop smell. We tell you how to do it easily.