Dog Hasn't Pooped In 2 Days: 8 Easy Solutions!

Updated on October 12th, 2023
Experiencing anxiety when your dog hasn't pooped in two days is natural, but take a calming breath - we're here to guide you! Explore our expert tips to effectively and safely alleviate your canine companion’s constipation, ensuring they return to their regular, happy self swiftly.
Top 8 Solutions If Your Dog Hasn't Pooped In 2 Days
Most dogs poop once or twice a day...sometimes more! But what happens when your dog can't go? It's time to put the following solutions for canine constipation to the test.
1. Increase Exercise 🚲
Yes, believe it or not, the movement can help activate your furry friend's digestive tract and push stool straight through the colon. Go for a run with him!
2. Give Your Dog Freshwater 🚰
Have you ever thought about what causes constipation? The stool does not contain enough water and, therefore, it is difficult for it to leave the colon. If your dog drinks more water, it will help soften the stool and make it easier to pass.
If your dog has a hard time drinking more water than usual, give him an ice cube to play with. You will have fun and drink water without realizing it.
3. Prepare Pumpkin Purée 🎃
Pumpkin purée is usually foolproof for both humans and dogs. Of course, remember that you should not add spices. The fiber in the pumpkin will help increase bowel movements and eliminate stool.
4. Give Your Pup Half A Cup Of Milk 🥛
Consuming milk or another dairy product, such as yogurt, can help relieve canine constipation. Of course, do not give him a large portion since you could cause diarrhea.
5. Add Water To Dry Food 💦
Does your dog eat dry food? Try adding a couple of teaspoons of water.
Note: some dogs do not like this change.
6. Change To Canned Food For Some Days 🍲
If your dog refuses to eat his dry food with water, you can buy quality canned food (check with your trusted vet).
Canned food includes plenty of water and can help with occasional constipation.
7. Offer Your Dog Leafy Vegetables 🥬
Leafy vegetables are beneficial for digestion because they contain a lot of fiber. How about giving your dog spinach?
Check out: Don't Feed Fido: Unsafe Vegetables That Dogs Should Avoid For A Healthy Diet
8. Give Your Dog A Tablespoon of Olive Oil 🫒
A tablespoon of olive oil can help your dog regulate its transit. As with dairy products, consumption should be moderate and sporadic to avoid diarrhea.
Read: How To Recognize Abnormal Dog Poop
What To Do If Canine Constipation Continues
Without a doubt, if the home remedies mentioned above do not work, you should go to the vet. No one is better than a specialist to determine if it is necessary to use a medication such as docusate sodium, lactulose, or even an enema.
In many cases, a change in habits is needed to prevent constipation from happening again. It is common in sedentary dogs or senior dogs.
6 Principal Symptoms Of Constipation In Dogs
Not sure if your dog is constipated? These are the main symptoms:
- Hard and compact poop: This is the most obvious symptom. Your dog poops, but it looks hard, compact, and ball-shaped.
- Holding in poop: Some dogs hold poop for a while. If your dog hasn't pooped In 2 days, something is happening.
- Cannot poop: Does your dog try to poo, but can't? Does he get into position and continue walking? He is constipated.
- Cries when trying to eliminate feces: keep in mind that crying can be a symptom of another discomfort, such as a urinary infection.
- Stooped posture
- Lack of appetite
Possible Reasons Why Your Dog Hasn't Pooped In 2 Days
- Dehydration
- Little exercise
- Low fiber diet
- Excess of fiber in the diet
- Hair ingestion.
- Eat grass
- Extremely matted fur: hair around the anus makes evacuation difficult.
- Side effects of any medication
- Intestinal obstruction, due to ingestion of a foreign element.
- Hernia.
- Enlarged anal glands
- Neurological disorder
- Tumors
Take a look at: How To Stop My Dog From Eating Cat Poop?
When in doubt, consult your veterinarian. If your dog hasn't pooped in two days, it could be a specific and easily solvable reason. But if the situation repeats itself, you should consult with the vet for an in-depth examination.
Should I Be Worried If My Dog Hasn't Pooped In 2 Days?
The short answer is yes. If your dog hasn't pooped in two days, this could be a sign of constipation, and it's best to take them to the vet for a check-up. Constipation can lead to more serious problems if it isn't addressed properly, so don't wait too long before consulting your vet!
In the meantime, you can also try some home remedies to help with dog constipation. From over-the-counter medications to natural remedies like pumpkin purée and honey, there are plenty of options available.
How Long Can A Dog Go Without Pooping?
When it comes to dog constipation, how long your dog can go without pooping really depends on the individual. Some canine companions may be able to hold it in for up to a few days; however, if your dog hasn't relieved itself after 48–72 hours, we recommend consulting with a vet or trying one of our 8 top home remedies. After all, nobody likes a dog with a grumpy gut! ;)
What Can I Give My Dog To Help Him Poop?
If your dog hasn't pooped in two days, the best thing you can give them is one of our top home remedies for canine constipation:
- Lots of freshwater.
- Pumpkin purée.
- Milk.
- Olive Oil.
- Leafy vegetables.
Why Hasn't My Dog Pooped In A Couple Of Days?
If your dog hasn't pooped in two days, there could be a few reasons why. One of them is dog constipation, which can be caused by a variety of circumstances such as dehydration, not enough fiber in the diet, or even eating something that was indigestible. If you suspect this is the cause, it's important to take your dog to the vet and get their advice on how to help them relieve their discomfort.
Other than dog constipation, it could also just simply mean that they are stressed or anxious and need some extra love and attention from you! In either case, it’s best to consult with a veterinarian, so they can give an accurate diagnosis.
How Can You Tell If A Dog Has A Blockage?
If you suspect your pup might be suffering from blockage, look out for the following symptoms:
- Loss of appetite.
- Abnormal stool (hard or dry).
- Abdominal pain.
- Bloating.
- Vomiting.
- Lethargy.
- General discomfort.
If you observe any of these signs in your pup, it’s best to consult a veterinarian to determine the best course of action.
Is There Anything I Should Avoid Doing If My Dog Hasn't Pooped In 2 Days?
That's a good question! If it has been more than two days since your pup pooped, you should take them to the vet to ensure there is no underlying condition causing the constipation.
In the meantime, you can try some home remedies like increasing their water intake or adding fiber-rich foods to their diet. But try to avoid laxatives, as they can cause even bigger poop problems! ;)
Remember: when it comes to poop, prevention is always better than cure.
Hi Rosa,
As said in the article, a tablespoon. Good luck!
I’m going to try olive oil
But how much
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