Dog Obedience Training: Where To Start And How To Proceed

Updated on October 13th, 2023
Dog obedience training is vital to avoid accidents, both for your dog and you and the people around you. Have you started training your puppy? If you haven't, it's time to start.
Why Is Dog Obedience Training Important?
Dog obedience training is vital because, in a nutshell, it will make your life and your puppy's life much easier. Dog training will help you become the leader of the pack. Leadership is essential for your dog to follow your instructions.
This situation may seem unnecessary, but like with children, your dog should know the house rules and learn what's right (or allowed) and wrong (or forbidden).
🐶 The obedient dog training lays the foundations for coexistence based on love and mutual respect.💚
9 Dog Commands You Should Teach Your Dog
Dog commands can be voice commands, hand signals, or a mix of both. Most dogs associate voice calls to action better than signals, but you should test which one your dog is best at.
Now, what are the top 10 commands your dog should learn? We see them below.
1. Name Recognition
The first step in dog obedience training is getting your pup to recognize his own name. This command is the real mainstay of training.
➡️ Teach your dog to recognize his name before moving on to other commands.
2. Come
The best way to keep your dog safe is to ensure that he will come to you whenever you call him. The come command will come in handy if your dog falls off his leash in the middle of the street or if he approaches an aggressive dog.
3. Leave It
This command is preventive. Leave it is used when you see something your dog might be interested in, but you don't want him to pick it up. For example, a chewing gum in the street.
➡️ Now, if your dog has already picked up the object, you should use Drop it.
4. Drop It
Suppose your dog has taken one of your new shoes. Before he starts chewing it up and tearing it apart, you should drop it. A dog with obedience training will drop it instantly before doing any damage.
Read: 8 Tips To Stop Destructive Chewing
5. Sit
Sit is the most famous command and, without a doubt, one of the most important. After all, a dog can't jump up on your guests if he's sitting down, right?
6. Stay
Manage your dog's reaction with the stay command. In dog obedience training, they will teach it so that in situations of stress or danger, you can keep your dog under control.
7. Lie Down
Lie down is a basic command that is the basis for others, such as roll. It is a good idea to teach it to ensure that your dog can be calm in any situation under your command.
8. With Me
Prevent your dog from pulling on his leash while you're out for a walk. With me involves walking rhythmically and is "THE" command that you have to teach him after putting on the collar and leash.
9. Stand
Imagine you want to brush your dog, and he won't stand still, or the vet needs to examine him, and your pup rolls around. Stand instructs you to stand still in the proper position for these procedures.
The Coolest German Dog Commands You Can Use
German dog commands are famous. Many people like to command their dog in German. Without hesitation, they have a different tonality that cannot be confused with anything other than a direct order. Now, what are the coolest german dog commands?
- Bring: means "fetch". It is pronounced /bring/
- Bleib: means "stay". It is pronounced /blibe/
- Hier: means "here". It is pronounced /hee-r/
- Halt: means "stop". It is pronounced /halt/
- Sitz: means "sit". It is pronounced /zitz/
- Aus: means "let go". It is pronounced /aus/
- Fuß: means "paw". It is pronounced /foos/
- Gib fünf: means "give me five". It's pronounced /ɡib fʏnf/
Should My Pup Go To Obedience Classes For Dogs?
Yes, without a doubt, your dog should go to obedience classes for dogs. Beyond making your life easier, it is a way to protect his integrity. By responding to your orders, you can protect him from endless dangers.
Basically, the main benefits of dog obedience training are:
- Pleasantly dog behavior.
- Annoying habits' prevention.
- Good manners.
- Harm/injury prevention.
- Trust and bond reinforcement.
- Dog and human new friends.
Dog Obedience Training: Yes Or No?
For us, no doubt, we say YES to dog obedience training!
As a dog parent, you will feel more secure, and, at the same time, you will strengthen the bond with your pup. You will be able to protect him, and he will be a polite puppy who will only get compliments from people. Can you ask for something else? Oh yes, he will be a happy pup too.
Which Are The Easiest Dogs To Train?
The easiest dog to train are the Border Collies, the Poodles, the Miniature Schnauzer, the German Shepherd, the Golden Retriever and the Labrador Retriever. Of course, beyond the breed, everything will depend on the particular temperament of your dog.
Which Are The Steps For Puppy Obedience Training?
The steps for puppy obedience training are:
- Understand your puppy's mind.
- Become the pack leader.
- Use positive reinforcement.
- Be consistent.
- Socialize your pup.
- Go to training classes.
How Can I Use Positive Reinforcement Dog Training?
Positive reinforcement means using prizes, treats or praise to reward behaviors that respond to your wishes. Also, you ignore the behavior without punishment or yelling when your dog does something contrary to your goal,
Which Are The Hardest Dogs To Train?
The hardest dogs to train are Afghan Hounds, Beagles, Rottweilers, Siberian Huskies, Basset Hounds and Chinese Shar-Peis.
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