Why Does My Dog Poop In The House After Going Outside?

Updated on October 12th, 2023
Potty training a puppy is tiring. But once it's over, most dog owners recover tranquility. It's the end of a stage. Isn't it? Few things are more frustrating than a previously house-trained dog suddenly starting to poop indoors again. If you wonder, "why does my dog poop in the house after going outside?"; we give you all the answers.
Our Top 3 Reasons "Why My Dog Poop In The House After Going Outside"
Many causes can drive a dog, even a potty-trained one, to poop and pee inside the house after being outside. Among them, the following stand out:
1. Your Puppy Is Not Fully Trained Yet
This situation is quite common. Puppy owners believe that pups are fully mature and fully trained, but this is not the case.
Trusting that we are "done" with potty training, we stop paying attention to the puppy. And during that unsupervised time, the little furry friend poo and pee inside each.
2. Your Dog Has A Hard Time Staying Focused On His "Task"
Away from home, there is much to see and discover. Smells, noises, people, and other animals invite endless adventures, and your dog simply forgets his main task.
These dogs usually poo and pee at the beginning of the walk. Although, this is not enough.
3. The Schedules Are Not In Sync
We already discussed this topic in our article How long after eating does a dog poop?
All puppies have different habits and needs. If you go for a walk with your furry friend before he feels like it (or after), your house will become his bathroom.
Other 4 Causes of Dog Elimination At Home After Going Outside
Of course, dogs are just like people. Therefore, it is impossible to determine what is going on with your pup. Here are 4 other possible causes why your dog poops in the house after going outside.
1. Your Pup Doesn't Like The Surface
If your dog doesn't poop outside, you may want to assess if there might be something wrong with the area. Does your dog prefer grass or asphalt to poop? Or does he just prefer the carpet in your house? Knowing his preferences will help you solve the problem.
2. Your Dog Goes To The Bathroom, Where He Smells His Scent
Dogs are territorial. They mark their territory through pee and poop. Even if you've cleaned up, a faint scent (only noticeable to your furry friend) may linger in your house, signaling that he needs to re-mark the spot before it disappears.
3. The Weather Is Not Ideal For Your Dog
Did you know that some dogs don't enjoy pooping in the snow or the rain? If your dog does not go outside, this may be the cause.
4. Your Dog Is Elderly Or Has A Health Problem
With age, some dogs begin to show problems with retention of pee and feces. Of course, some puppies have health issues, such as urinary infections, parasites, or hookworms, and that is why they eliminate at home.
Read: My dog has worms in his poop, what should I do?
9 Solutions To Stop Your Dog From Pooping Inside The House
As you can imagine, the solution depends on the cause. Determine what causes your dog to poop inside the house after being outside, and act! Here are the best solutions to stop home dog-pooping.
1. If home dog-pooping appears out of the blue, visit the vet! Perhaps your furry friend is suffering from an illness or some medication is affecting his sphincter control.
2. Take up puppy potty training. A puppy cannot be considered fully trained until at least 3 months have passed without accidents inside the house.
3. Always start and finish the walk in the same place. Choose a boring place without distractions so that your dog can concentrate on his task.
4. Once you know your dog's surface preference, respect it! Find an area with concrete or grass, depending on your preference.
5. Does your dog not want to poop or pee outside when the weather is bad? Try buying some dog rain boots or a raincoat to protect him during the walk.
6. If your dog marks territory at home, use an ecological cleaning product that completely eliminates odors and restart potty training.
7. Rearrange walk times according to your dog's needs.
8. Praise your dog after I have finished the job.
9. Never scold or yell at him. Love is the best way to stop your dog from pooping inside.
We hope you find useful our answers to your question: "why does my dog poop in the house after going outside?" Remember to always carry compostable dog poop bags with you to collect your furry friend's poop.
Do You Scold A Dog For Pooping In The House?
Well, the short answer is no. But let's break it down a bit.
First off, scolding your dog for having an accident in the house can actually make things worse. Dogs are sensitive creatures, and scolding can cause them to become anxious or fearful, which can lead to more accidents in the future.
Instead of scolding, it's important to focus on positive reinforcement. When your dog goes outside to do their business, praise them with treats, pets, or a good ol' belly rub. This will help reinforce the behavior you want to see, and your dog will be more likely to repeat it.
Of course, accidents happen, and it's important to clean them up properly to prevent any lingering smells that might attract your pup back to the same spot. But remember, accidents are just that - accidents. Your dog isn't purposely trying to upset you or ruin your carpet.
So, next time your pup has an accident, resist the urge to scold and focus on positive reinforcement instead. And hey, accidents make for great stories to tell at dinner parties, right?
Why Would A Housebroken Dog Start Pooping In The House?
These are some of the common causes why a housebroken dog can start pooping in the house:
- Changes in the dog's routine, such as a new schedule or a new home, can cause stress and lead to accidents.
- Health issues, such as digestive problems or infections, can cause a dog to lose control of their bowels.
- Aging can affect a dog's ability to control their bladder and bowels.
- Lack of proper training or inconsistent training can lead to accidents in the house.
- Separation anxiety can cause a dog to feel distressed when left alone, leading to accidents.
- Territorial marking can also be a reason for dogs to poop inside the house.
Remember, every dog is unique, and the reasons behind their behavior can vary. If you're experiencing this issue, it's important to identify the cause and work on a solution that's tailored to your pet's needs.
Should Dogs Poop Every Time They Go Out?
No, dogs may not necessarily need to poop every time they go out. The frequency of a dog's bowel movements can depend on various factors, such as their diet, age, and activity level.
Puppies and young dogs may need to go out more frequently than adult dogs, as their digestive systems are still developing. Dogs who eat high-fiber diets or have certain health conditions may also have more frequent bowel movements.
However, if a dog is going longer than usual without pooping or seems to be straining or having difficulty during bowel movements, it could be a sign of constipation or other health issues. In such cases, it's best to consult with a veterinarian to determine the underlying cause and provide appropriate treatment.
my dog is 3 yrs and a rescue for lack of care no problem for the first 3 months then suddenly got some diarhea and started pooping in house in same area even after going outside and sometimes after pooping outside she saves some for my floor or carpet. HELP PLEASE
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